Flow Incognito: the Menstrual Concealment Imperative

The menstrual concealment imperative refers to the societal pressure for menstruators to hide their periods, reinforcing shame and stigma around a natural bodily function. By challenging this norm and promoting open dialogue, we can empower people to embrace their bodies without shame.

Eco-Flow: Finding Sustainable Menstrual Care Options

Menstrual cup

Have you ever wondered about what sustainable period care products are out there? Worldwide, people are increasingly thinking about the connection between menstruation and sustainability. By opting for sustainable menstrual products, we can contribute to a better future while also prioritising health and comfort. Read on to find out more about how you can make […]

Allons-y Ensemble : Les Discussions sur les Règles pour tous les Genres

Who can you talk to about your period without feeling awkward? In many parts of the world, traditionally, most conversations and information about periods are had by women and girls. This excludes trans and non-binary people who menstruate, and also people who don’t menstruate. At Monthly Dignity, we believe that by involving everyone, regardless of […]

Understanding Period Poverty

Learn more about how period poverty, a silent struggle that often goes unnoticed, but affects the lives of many people.