L'équité menstruelle maintenant

Dignité mensuelle est un organisme à but non lucratif qui lutte contre les causes et les conséquences de la précarité menstruelle à Montréal en fournissant gratuitement des produits menstruels, en offrant de l'éducation sur la santé menstruelle et en plaidant en faveur de l'équité menstruelle.

Éliminer la précarité menstruelle

La précarité menstruelle fait référence à un accès inadéquat aux produits menstruels, à l'éducation ou aux installations sanitaires dont les personnes ont besoin pour gérer leurs règles. Cela peut avoir des conséquences physiques, psychologiques et sociales importantes, incluant les absences à l'école ou au travail, l'utilisation de produits de fortune peu sécuritaires, ainsi que des sentiments de gêne et de stigmatisation.

Soutenez notre travail pour créer une communauté où chaque personne a accès aux produits, aux connaissances et à la confiance dont elle a besoin pour gérer ses règles dans la dignité et le confort.


We provide free menstrual products across the greater Montreal area to community-based organizations working with communities at risk of period poverty. Our network of more than 30 partners includes shelters and outreach serving people experiencing homelessness, women’s centers, domestic violence shelters, youth outreach organizations, centers for newcomers, LGBTQIA+ organizations, organizations serving sex workers and people who use drugs, and many more. Our team distributes tens of thousands of products annually!


We offer menstrual education with the goal of destigmatizing menstruation and raising awareness about period poverty. Through engaging workshops in community-based organizations and schools as well as informative online resources, we empower people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds with the knowledge and resources they need to make informed decisions about their menstrual care and advocate for menstrual equity in their community.


We are committed to advancing menstrual equity in the Montreal community and beyond by advocating for free and equitable access to period products and comprehensive menstrual education for all. We engage in policy advocacy across all levels of government, and mobilize the public by running campaigns to raise awareness about period poverty, hosting community outreach events, and supporting local advocacy initiatives. Our goal is to promote systemic change to address the root causes of period poverty.

Since we’ve been distributing menstrual products, we’ve had women coming regularly to the Center to pick them up. Most of them are very disadvantaged, including newcomers, people at risk of homelessness and others. It’s a service we consider essential! Thanks to Monthly Dignity, we can offer this service without having to cut money from other activities.

Femmes du Monde, women’s center in Côte-des-Neiges

Meet our team


Let's end period poverty!

Ensemble, nous pouvons créer un monde où la menstruation n'est plus un obstacle au bien-être ou aux opportunités sociales, éducatives et professionnelles.